Early Learning Colalition of Florida's Gateway
VPK TSG Q&A Questions and Answers1. If I finalize the checkpoint in the Fall, do I still have to complete/finalize the Winter and Spring checkpoints?
Yes, every checkpoint must be finalized for Fall, Winter and Spring. Remember the Spring checkpoint is MANDATORY! Follow your traditional and non-traditional deadline guidelines. If you do not submit the Spring checkpoint by the deadline, you will lose your VPK contract for five (5) years.
2. VPK Contracts-if one public school does not complete the mandatory AP3 and TSG checkpoint 3 (Spring), will all schools in the county lose their VPK contract for 5 years?
No. Only the specific school or site would lose their contract on an individual basis.
3. How do I add one observation for multiple children?
Click on Add Documentation, click on ‘Identify Children’. In the drop-down menu, check all the children who are participating in the observation. Add the documentation, save and set preliminary levels. You will now see the documentation for all the children checked and you can go in and level them individually.
4. How do I finalize a checkpoint?
Once all objectives and dimensions have been entered and leveled, go to the Checkpoint tab, click on finalize checkpoint by individual children. If preliminary levels are already entered, you will simply confirm the level, click next dimension at the bottom of the page and continue all the way until the last objective/dimension is finalized. Click the button at the bottom “Finalize Checkpoint”. You will be asked, “Are you sure?”. Click yes and the checkpoint is finalized for that child. Repeat for all children.
5. How can I see what observations have been entered and what still needs to be done?
From your teacher home page, click on Documentation tab, click on Documentation by Objective/Dimension in the drop-down menu, Check All and submit.
6. If a child is at Level 8 (the highest) in the Fall, do I still have to record and level observations for them for all the checkpoints?
Yes. To level at 8 they must be meeting the dimensions consistently. If they continue at this level, you can simply put “See Fall Checkpoint” for the observation but it still must be leveled and the checkpoint finalized.