Early Learning Colalition of Florida's Gateway

School Readiness 2016-2017 Contracts


All forms pertaining to your program must be competed in their entirety. In order to SR contract, please see the Contract Eligibilty Policy.

* When completing form 20, be sure to fill in paragraph 13 with the approved curriculum from the state list that you currently use. (must have one for each age you provide SR services for)

* Be sure to fill in paragraph 14 with the Character Development program you are using, if it is provider designed you will be contacted.

* Be sure to have all documents requested on Exhibit 2 of form OEL SR 20 and on the SR Contract Checklist below turned in with your completed contract. The contract and all required documents must be submitted by June 18, 2016 in order for your contract to satrt on July 1, 2016. Contract’s missing information will not be processed.

* If your center or family child care home is a corporation, partnership or LLCs, then it must be registered with Sunbiz. (http://www.sunbiz.org)

* When completing the rate table in exhibit 3 be sure you are putting your center’s private rates; these must be what you charge every family no matter what funds they may or not receive. The rates must equal what you put in the CCR&R update form weekly rates as well.  Also if you have wrap rates for after VPK add these into the PR3, PR4, and PR5 spaces as well, the space will expand to fit what is needed.

Read the contract carefully and follow directions carefully. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Madeiros at (386)961-0130 or via email at cmadeiros@elcgateway.org.

All policies and contracts will be strictly enforced.

CCR&R Update Form must be completed and accompany your contract before the contract will be approved. Click here for the form.

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