Early Learning Colalition of Florida's Gateway
Child Care Resource and Referral
Child Care Resource and Referral Questionnaire
Do you need help Finding or Paying for Quality Child Care?
Call us (Early Learning Coalition of Florida’s Gateway)!!! (866) 752-9770 or (386) 752-9770
Monday thru Fridays 8:00AM to 5:00PM
A free service for all parents regardless of income!!!
Child Care Resource and Referral
CCR&R is an information service which does not license, endorse, nor recommend any type of early care and education provider over another. It is suggested that parents visit several programs to determine which one best serves the needs of their family. Parents are encouraged to visit providers before a decision is made to place their child. R&R has information on over 300 early care and education providers in the Florida counties of Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Suwannee and Union. — There are no charges/fees associated with a provider listing in the Child Care Resource & Referral Database or for referrals to your program. If you are asked to provide a payment for a referral or listing in the Resource & Referral database, please call Florida’s Division of Early Learning Resource & Referral Network at 1-866-357-3239. The information reported about a provider’s program is objective program information that is based on standards that are attainable for providers based on their type of care. |
If you have any questions concerning the status of an early care and education center or family child care home, or you would like to review the files of the providers, please call your local licensing office:
Florida Department of Children and Families Child Care Licensing Office
(386) 758-1510 or (386) 758-5752 Fax – (386) 758-1495
Early Learning Coalition of Florida’s Gateway Resource and Referral is part of the
statewide Child Care Resource and Referral Network funded by the Division of Early Learning.
The CCR&R Network operates a variety of programs that support quality early care and education, and work/family solutions for the families of Florida. It is headquartered in Tallahassee at the Division of Early Learning and serves as the hub of the local child care resource and referral agencies located throughout the state.
Local R&R’s offices offer free information and referral services to all families seeking quality early care, VPK and School Readiness programs as well as after school programs. R&R’s also assist in the recruitment, startup and support of providers and promote quality, availability and affordability of services in their communities.
There are no charges/fees associated with provider listing in the Child Care Resource and Referral Database or for listings to programs. If you are asked to provide a payment for a referral or for a listing in the CCR&R Database, please call the OEL Resource and Referral Network at 1-866-357-3239. The information reported about a provider’s program is objective program information that is based on standards that are attainable for providers based on their type of care.
The CCR&R Network maintains the only comprehensive statewide database of child care, school readiness and school age programs and service providers.
For more information about the CCR&R Network and OEL – http://childcareaware.org/
For more information on – CHILD CARE AWARE
The Florida Directory of Early Childhood Services is a resource for:
For information on Early Childhood Services for children with special needs contact www.centraldirectory.org
Division of Early Learning – http://www.floridaearlylearning.com/
Licensing – www.myflorida.com/childcare
NACCRRA – www.naccrra.org
Florida Kidcare – www.floridakidcare.org
Abuse Registry – www.dcf.state.fl.us/abuse or 1-800-96-ABUSE
United Way AIRS 2-1-1 – www.211.org
This Warm Line provides information for child care providers regarding children with disabilities and special health care needs.
For more information contact: 1-866-357-3239
ELC-FG Warm Line Contacts – (866) 752-9770
Stephanie Barnes, Child Development/Inclusion Coordinator (386) 961-0127
Florida Relay is the communications link for people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf/Blind, or Speech Impaired. Through the Florida Relay, people who use specialized telephone equipment can communicate with people who use standard telephone equipment.
To call Florida Relay, dial 7-1-1, or use the toll free numbers:
1-800-955-8771 (TTY)
1-800-955-8770 (Voice) |
1-800-955-1339 (ASCII) |
1-877-955-8260 (VCO-Direct) |
1-800-955-5334 (STS) |
1-877-955-8773 (Spanish) |
1-877-955-8707 (French Cr) |
If you have questions about state-mandated training, educational exemptions and staff training requirements (CDA, Director’s Credentials and VPK), please call:
DCF Child Care Training Information Center 1-888-352-2842 FAX: 850-922-9156
EMAIL: CCTIC@thechildrensforum.com
A team of CCTIC Specialists are available Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, to answer your questions concerning these requirements.